Que :-------What is Gita--------by Devkinondan Soni---------- facebook on 25-10-17

Shree Madh Bhagavad Gita is a Spiritual Sweet Song singing by Lord Krishna in Dawapar Yuge. Gita is essence of Vedas and Sea of Spiritual Secular Knowledge for Monks, explaining fruitless Karma-Yoga, Sankh-Yoga, Bhagti-Yoga and that all yogas are uncomplete without Meditation ,"Dhiyan-Yoga" for Supreme Peace and enjoyments and Gita reflects to all humanity the equal rights in God-Realization.

Universal Truth
Das Anudas Rohtas

Shree Madh Bhagavad Gita is a Spiritual Sweet Song singing by Lord Krishna in Dawapar Yuge. Gita is essence of Vedas and Sea of Spiritual Secular Knowledge for Monks, explaining fruitless Karma-Yoga, Sankh-Yoga, Bhagti-Yoga and that all yogas are uncomplete without Meditation ,"Dhiyan-Yoga" for Supreme Peace and enjoyments and Gita reflects to all humanity the equal rights in God-Realization.

Universal Truth
Das Anudas Rohtas
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