Friday, May 30, 2014


             Realization During Meditation

           What a wonderful Seen realized during in standing meditation at 7-30 am on 30-5-2014, during worshiping the Sun (God), in Internal Divine Universe.

                                Das Anudas Rohtas

Friday, May 23, 2014


                     Spiritual Knowledge 
            Here Lord Vishnu's avatar Lord Shree Krishna, in Dwapar Yuge, in His sweet song Shree Madhbhagwadh Gita's chapter-15, wanted to give supreme Divine Knowledge giving the example of a Kalap Tree, "Ashwatha" (PEEPAL) which is said to be imperishable and a divine imagination. The Almighty God, "ADHI"," Dav - Adhidave " Primal Person "NARAYANA"  is the (Mool Adhara) ROOT of this Primal Tree. Lord Shree Barhma Ji is the main Trunk and main Branches, nourished by the three Divine Gunas of "Three Gun Maya Dhari", from Lord Barhma's, Lord Vishnu's and of Lord Shiva and VEDHA are the Leaves of this " Divine World's Form (SRISHTI) LIke the Peepal Tree." All these are immortal. But no body can easily observe and realized it divinely and Tatavikly, the beginning and the end of this divine primal tree. No one can know that How many longer period of Yuge, it may be remain and not realized by any divya or yogi Purush.  Only with fast determination with consciousness a true devotee of God can divinly Imagine with the help of divine "Turiya Yog Kriya " a special divine power of, Lord Shri Par Barhim Parmeshwar and by spiritual divine knowledge who  know about TATAV divinely and by deep meditation without any attechment to Natural virtues like ( Kama, Krodha, lobha, Moha, Proud, and Mind, Kowledge, and Aham-Bhav), being thoughtless and stable  mind.  A true devotee should cuting down this peepal tree with"RING" a divine weapon of "VIVEKA" in meditation and seek that Supreme State "GOD", having reached one never returns, saying,  "I seek and refuge in the Primal Person Narayana  from whom has emanated this beginingless flow of the creation". So one should meditate on Him. We are showing this divine imagination of the Kalap Tree in a Image giving below.


                    Das Anudas Rohtas

Sunday, May 18, 2014


                   " Latest Realization "
                       Latest realization and observation during meditating on Sun at 8-30,am on 15-5-2014, during standing meditation, only in Internal divine universe that there was a " Great Dangerable Calamitous Cyclone " in the surface of the Sun and around of the Sun.

                            Das Anudas Rohtas

Friday, May 2, 2014


                    Divine Realization
                  Divine Realization during meditation on Sidha Assan at 2-00am to 3-00am, on 1-5-2014, in internal divine universe.

! Divine Realization,"VIVEKA"

!! Divine realization "CLOUDY SKY"

!!! Divine Realization,"FIRE"

!!!! Divine Realization,"CYCLONE" 

!!!!! Star in Divine Universe

Das Anudas Rohtas

Thursday, May 1, 2014


             Latest Divine Realization       
                        Latest divine realization at.   8-30am, on 2-5-2014 induring meditation in standing position before Shri Adhisthan in internal divine universe in the midst ,"Bhirkuti".

                                  Das Anudas Rohtas