Saturday, October 29, 2016

Supreme God's Divine Realization

                           Supreme's Divine Realization
Supreme God's Divine Realization during standing meditation in our drawing room before Adhisthan Maharaj at 8-40 am on 29- 2016. Very nice very graceful 100°/• clear divine observation in meditation, which we showing in a image giving below.

                                  Das Anudas Rohtas

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Supreme in Nature

                              Supreme in Nature

                Supreme is existence of Nature. Nature not exist in Supreme.
                                                         Das Anudas Rohtas

Sunday, October 23, 2016


                 Very Beautiful Divine Scenery
                          This beautiful scenery is the answer of the multiple divine stories about the orgination of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, which show the eternal thoughts of a yogi purush. We open this secret which is written around this scenery that Great Saint show his deeply thoughts like this Lord Brahma is the symbol of " OM " and Creator of the all creation in this beautiful Shristi. Next He show that Lotus is the Symbol of Lord Vishnu, who is the owner and preservation the Shristi and thirdly Snake is the symbol of Lord Shiva, who is the destroyer of thIs beautiful Shristi.

                                             Das Anudas Rohtas



                                Divine Power
             There are Two kind of divine power. One is positive power which origine in Inner World and ssecond is Nagative power which spread through out in the Physical World. We can observe both power divinaly with Divya Eyes because both power are spiritually divine in this beautiful Shristi.

                                          Das Anudas Rohtas

Saturday, October 22, 2016


                              Biyond Imagination
                     We observe in meditation,  Sun under pressure today dew to a White Lion in the Sky walking near Him. It is self realization Self is Truth and there is Value in Self. So we show it with the help of this image giving below.
                                     Self is Truth

                                Das Anudas Rohtas

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

* काले रंग में निराकार भगवान के सूक्षम रूप का साक्षात्कार *

                        परम सूक्षम दिव्य काला तत्व
          आज हमने भगवान के अति प्रिय: सूक्षम रूप, जिसे हम सफेद रंग में एक हीरे की कणी के रूप जैसा चमकीला, जो हर रोज हम अपने भृकुटि के आन्तरिक दिव्य ब्रहमांड में, चमकते हुए तारे की तरह बन्द आंखों से व खुली आंखों से, अवलोकन करते आय हैं, आज हमने अपनी खुली आंखों से जब हम शोरूम के ऊपर बने बाथरूम में थे तो सामने दिवार पर दिन में 1-30 बजे, 18-10-2016 को Black Christle काले रंग में क्रिस्टल की तरह चमकते हूअा divine  Shuksham Dot सूक्षम बिन्दु जिसका वाया एक सूत्र के आकार के समान था अपनी खुली आंखों से कई बार साक्षात्कार हुआ। जो हमें भृकटि के माध्यम से A Divine Reflecttion through out from Bhitkuti on wall दिवार पर चमकता हुआ काले रंग मे बना प्रतिबिम्ब है, जो साफ साफ Black Diamond or you can say (Black Christle) की तरह बिल्कुल 100°/• साफ नजर आ रहा था। यह दिवय सूक्षम रूप में काले रंग में दिव्य Supreme soul, दिव्य Supreme Tatav के रूप में महाकाल भगवान " Mahakal Bhagwan " का दिव्य सूक्षम रूप हो सकता है । सफेद रंग में एक चमकीले white Diamond के रूप में दिव्य सूक्षम निराकार के रूप के दर्शन, खुली व बन्द आंखों से तो परम पिता प्रमात्मा की कृपा से हर रोज दिन में और रात में भी कई बार, मिलता है लेकिन Black Diamond, अर्थात Black Christle. की तरह चमकीले दिव्य सूक्षम निराकार काले प्रभू के रूप के दर्शन वो भी दिन में और वो भी खुली आंखों से "साक्षात्कार" काले रंग में पाने का मौका, जीवन में पहली बार मिला, जिसे हमने निचे दी गई इमेज दू्ारा दर्शाने का प्रयास किया है।
कृपया सावधान:-
                       सूक्षम रूप में दिव्य काले रूप में सूक्षम निराकार भगवान के साक्षातकार रूप में दर्शन हैं यह शास्त्रों में दिये गये महाकाल, महा -अवतार कलकी भगवान के निराकार रूप के दिव्य दर्शन भी हो सकते हैं।

                              दास अनुदास रोहतास


                    Observation Divine Black Christle
              We observe the reflection of Divine Black Dot on the wall of the Bathroom on 2-end Flower of show-room many time, in these two minutes, Reflecting from "Bhirkuti" (a Divine center place of my Forehead), a Divine Black Dot Like a small peace of Black Diamond which we show with the help of  Image giving below. Size of divine Dot, very small as a ( half centimeter only ). Supreme divine power explained like a white brillient Diamond Which is today going to explained ls like a Black brillient Diamond " FIRST TIME " in this wonderful World. It is very strange now. But we believe upon it. Because we observe (SHAKSHATKAR) with my open eyes, that God, Tatav Pronunciation (Dharan-karna) the Form of Black Christle, during Urinate, in standing position at 1-30 pm on 18-10-2016 on the roof of the showroom. Now it is realised like a black " CHRISYLE ". " IT MAY BE THE APPEARENCE OF LORD KALKI IN HIS ORIGINAL DIVINE BLACK- FORM, 'NIRAKARA', LIKE A BRILLIENT BLACK DIAMOND "
Attention Please :-
                                    It seems that The Almighty God convert Himself from white divine Supreme Tatav to  Black Divine Supreme Tatav, or we can say,Now, God assumption the form of a black Christle.

                        Das Anudas Rohtas

Thursday, October 13, 2016


                  " Re-Incarnation of Lord Krishna "
                              In The Present Yuge
                                       Kal - Yuge
                              Appearence of God
                          " SELF - OBSERVATION "

विशेष :-
आज तक जहां Self Realization लिखते आए, आज वहां पर Self-Observation लिख दिया है !

" वर्तमान युग, कल - युग में भगवान का साक्षात प्रकट होना "
व्यक्तिगत - अवलोकन

                                Das Anudas Rohtas

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


                  Graceful Self Divine Realization

                     A Graceful Divine Realization of Supreme divine Tatav, (Supreme Divine Soul)
 " God " is realized at 9-00am on 5-10-2016 during standing Meditation before the Temple in Home, In inner divine universe. Only self realization has value of divine energy, realizing in our inner divine universe.

"How graceful This Self-Divine-Realization is ?" :---------
1. We realize it in our internal divine universe
2. It's compilitaly divine realization
3. Because, We can faith on our self realization only. No body can faith till they realize himself divinly, in this physical World.
4. It is the time, when Sun is arising up in the sky in outer world universe at 9-00am, while we observing all these, divine Planets, Stars, Divine Sun together in our inner divine universe.
5. Sun is unlightining the inner universe divinly.
6. There are Stars are twinkling like " Jugnu " in inner divine universe.
7. Sun spredding His Miracly divine Energy with the help of divine Rings (original divine Power of Rings ) this scene is looking very, Very, Graceful.

   " Self-Divine-Realization Is True Love To God "

 DEW TO, :----------------------
                    Self Divine Realization it may be outer World or inner Universe, many Emperors Empty there Chairs. Many Kings and Queens, Prince and Princess, many Educated and Qualified, Gentlemen and pious ladies, many Yogi Purush and yogini, Daties and Divya Purush, Avtari Purush and Rishies, Munies, Saint, and Sadvies, Brave Men, Austrologers and Richest men and Land-Lords person, " Threw out there Pricious cloths and valuable Crowns and become true Devotee of God," YOGI " in this wonderful Physical World in every Yuge, in this Beautiful-Miracle-Mayavi-Divine-Shristi ".
                                       -------------                                                                         Das Anudas Rohtas