Saturday, December 1, 2018

परब्रह्मं अवतार रोहतास Great divine Flow of Atom

   Great Divine flow of colourful Atoms

A Divine Flow of colourful  Atom's   & Vertical waves in many kinds as given   below:---

  Divine Realization These May be gravity waves

Breaking Stars realised during Meditation 
in I.D.U 

It may be Asteroid in a big shape, 
we realized it during Meditation in 
l D Universe, given below in image:--

Attention please :-                                        
                                   According to this image, we realized during meditation that It seems a huge unbearable event may be occur        divinely in I.D.U, in future in this beautiful Shristi.      
1. Planet is stable while one same looking  asteroid  crossed very speedily

2. Strangely All main Divine powers at once appeared together in I D U, During meditation in image 2. showing below

                   Das Anudas Rohtas