Wednesday, January 31, 2024

πŸŒ΄πŸ’πŸŒΎ Digital Avatar Rohtas In Divinity in this Beautiful Shristi πŸŒΎπŸ’πŸŒ΄

Rohtas Kanwar: Is Digital Avatar in Divinity, in this Beautiful Shristi
                 Shristi:---   0 + .1  

                " Sutra =--  0 - .1 "

      🌿 Means 0 +.1 Consciousness 🌿

Shristi realized in a Nobe of Hair.  

We realized during meditation in Atom activation " cause-micro & macro " divine bodies of God in I.D.U.

* Stir in Stary Night Sky *


New Baby Water Volcano appeared

* ΰ€ͺ्ΰ€°ाΰ€°्ΰ€₯ΰ€¨ा *

Chaitanyamaya Ishwer's Avatar Rohtas   

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

You are welcomed in Spirituality

           * You are welcomed in Spirituality *

Experienced of full divine light of good morning during meditation in internal divine universe at 2-00 am on 12-1-24
A Grace of God

πŸ™ Om Namo Narayana πŸ™

Shristi Chakra rotating through Divine Power Viveka

Grace of God
Creater & Destroyer Viveka Chakra of the Holy Shristi


          Full Grace of God
O' .3 Ozone's Layers may by upset

Chaitanyamaya Ishwer's Avatar Rohtas