Que:- now gets upset ................
What do you by Avatari Purush ?
Answer by Shree Rohtas:---------
Answer by Shree Rohtas:---------
" Avtari Purush = Incarnated Soul ".
* Servshrest Yogi Shree Rohtas Ji *

Namaskar Sir,
When the creatures in this wonderful world are beginning to believe in God, if it is God, then it is even easier to doubt the avatari man!
As a rectification, what is the sea? First of all, to know that the water which is water, and before that God created the universe which has been composed of many elements in the essence of creation, they will have to know that they will have to know as they meet with hydrogen + oxigen gases. Water is formed, it creates pressure of air, Moisture increases in the air, then the clouds are formed. A meeting of water is produced by meeting them and then rain falls down according to the rules of nature. Etc. etc. This sequence: all will have to know! So, what is its own existence, see the ocean on the very large part of the water collects huge amounts of water, it is called the sea, but this water came from where the water came from. What is your source of water in the sea, now see God be pleased, make the clouds in the sky, the baris started, made a tank with one boonded water, it became overflow, then the drain made,
On the other hand, now you see what is the incarnation of Avatar or God, but also to know about any avatar, we must know from reality. What is his existence? Uh is also the grace of God which is a special creature, A grace is on the character. All of us are only a part of God, but if we have compassion on one's organism, he is experiencing the divine power of a bloated viveka, while exercising on other divine powers, through his personal divine experiences, As the yogi is also Yoga, it gradually develops the supreme divine qualities and powers in its own right, and when a lot of experiences are expanded, Living is experiencing deep and great divine powers and it is a powerful experience, and in every creature or creature, the grace of the Lord, the divine qualities of the Lord and the divine powers are revealed, the glory of being called a avant-garde man It takes all that is known but it does not let it appear externally. But keep in mind, "
Special: -----
"The way the water can be purified by purifying it, in the same way we can think of the animal living by the exquisite spirit, the Supreme Soul, purifying the soul, the ultimate father can sum up with the soul"
* I do not have anything in me that is all yours *
Seeing a avatari male ordinary man is seen in the physical sense, in the worldly view, we can see the world, but divine powers can only be experienced by the divine achievement only if we are able to perform deep devotion and worship of Lord ji Only grace can happen. And any Divine Eye-Stain person can recognize through his divine experience that it is an avatara man. Because avatari man is the special divine character of God's grace. On the outer part of her body is divine ora, Vivek is Divine Power which is rotated in the form of a Divine Ring and there is Divine Light which sometimes also becomes manifest which is known as the Pya-Jyot. Sometimes, by color change can be known or if it comes in contact with him and if he does, then by knowing the knowledge of his experiences, it can be that it can be an in-future male.
Therefore, just as the community does not have its own existence, it is not all the Lord's grace, so there is no existence of Avatar as well, it is all the blessing of God, if any of these things are seen here in this world, It does not exist, it is all the God's will that no one has ever known about. This whole creation is God's supernatural divine creation
* God is God no one can be God *
The ultimate affectionate nation, the beloved India is a divine country. On this holy divine day, the Sage Muni Saints have been blessed by the Divine Men Yogi men and sometimes even after the Yuga Yugaav, Avatari men also take on the body, as in the Satyuga, Dharmwata, Shri Harishchandra In the Treta, in the incarnation of Shri Ram Chandra ji Purushottam Man, Shri Krishna became the incarnation of the Supreme Lord and now in the Kali Yuga, God's ultimate day Some where strength has made menu holds this beautiful creation on this sacred land in the middle of all of us. All the creatures want to do exquisite pleasure, by looking for the goodness of the Supreme Father who created this beautiful creation. So we should diligently seek that Supreme State GOD having reached which no one never returns and Refuge in Him, NARAYANA from whom emanted this beginning less Flow of Creation and meditate on Him, and be fully devoted in Him, go to the shelter and get the ultimate joy.
Das Anudas Rohtas
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